NY Post Article: Enraged COVID victims’ families call for charges against ex-Gov. Cuomo after claims he edited nursing home report

In a recent development, families affected by COVID-19 are calling for former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to face perjury charges. This outcry stems from allegations that Cuomo misled the public and mishandled the state’s response during the pandemic, particularly concerning nursing home policies. According to reports, Cuomo and his administration faced intense scrutiny for a directive that led to COVID-19 positive patients being admitted into nursing homes, which critics argue significantly contributed to the high death toll among residents.

The families argue that Cuomo’s administration manipulated data to downplay the impact of the virus on nursing homes and are demanding transparency and justice for their lost loved ones. These calls for accountability are growing louder as more evidence suggests that the administration’s decisions may have exacerbated the crisis.

For further details, you can read the full article on the NY Post website

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