The Nursing Home Justice League will continue to be
the voices for the voiceless!

We Care Memorial Wall

Exposing Cuomo’s Nursing Home Death Cover-Up

The We Care Memorial Wall team along with the Nursing Home Justice League are dedicated to exposing lies and deception in order to find the truth about ex-Governor Cuomo’s handling of COVID in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

“The public was misled at the highest levels of State government and given a distorted version of reality that suppressed facts when they deserved the truth”

- NY Comptroller, Tom DiNapoli, OpEd, released March 2022

Updated as of 08/14/24

We Care Memorial Wall Team Committee


We Care Memorial Wall Team

We are families who lost loved ones in the New York nursing home debacle due to ex-Governor Cuomo’s mismanagement of the COVID pandemic. Our mission is a non-political one; we only seek the truth. The data, numbers, facts, emails, logs, and proof of what happened. We want the true account about what happened to our loved ones while in the care of the New York Department of Health.

We call ourselves the COVID Orphans, the WE CARE Memorial Wall team, and the Nursing Home Justice League and we will not rest until our mission is accomplished. 


These are some of the members of the Nursing Home Justice League, who have been firm supporters of our cause.

Tom DiNapoli
State Controller

Lee Zeldin
Former Congressman

Tish James
Attorney General

Jumaane Williams
Public Advocate

COVID-19 Nursing Home Scandal
News Hub

Latest Updates and Insights

Stay informed with our dedicated section on the COVID-19 Nursing Home Scandal involving Former Governor Andrew Cuomo. As families who have lost loved ones in the NY nursing home deaths cover-up by former ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo, we hold a deep responsibility to seek the truth and bring justice to our loved ones. Here, we provide a comprehensive collection of the latest news, including impactful tweets, podcast features, official correspondences, insightful blog posts, official press releases, and more. Our mission is to provide the public with accurate and up-to-date research on the data, numbers, facts, emails, logs, and proof of what happened in this nursing home scandal that was covered up by Cuomo. We are possionate about uncvoering the truth in this NY nursing home deaths in honor of those who lost their lives due to neglect and deceit. We will be with you every step of the way to ensure justice is served for our loved ones and the countless other families affected by this NY nursing home deaths scandal.
